Wednesday 28 March 2012

When I Am In Charge (4)

Every person eligible to vote shall receive the following:

A record of how many days their MP attended Parliament, expressed both as a number of days and as a percentage of that sitting of Parliament’s duration.

A list of those motions their MP debated.

A list of motions their MP voted on, and how they voted on each.

A list of motions on which their MP did not vote.

Any commercial or financial interest their MP may have had in the result of the vote, ie: shareholding in companies that may benefit from legislation resulting from the vote.

Vote for me. It’d be a change, wouldn’t it?

And, in the meantime, check out 


  1. Admirable idea, but only the already politically aware would read it. You credit the public with too much intelligence, as today's petrol panic sheep-like behaviour illustrates perfectly!

    1. I'd like to think that the public are only stupid because they're forced to be, either by socialisation or by being fed a diet of bullshit. Either reason would explain the petrol panic. I'd also like to think that if you give the public a few facts about what's being done to them, they might ask for a few more, and after a year or three we might end up with a populace that questions rather than accepts.

      Of course, if that doesn't happen by year three of my first term, there'll be compulsory sterilisation:)
